Free Favicon Builder - Get A FREE Website Favicon.

favicon  (short for Favorite icon), is also known as a shortcut icon, or Web site icon. A favicon is a file that contains one or more icons most commonly 16×16, 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64 pixels, that is associated with a particular website or web page. 


  1. To make a Favicon, browse to your desired graphic image and upload it. Once it is processed, download it to your computer.
  2. You will need rename the graphic image to "favicon.ico" and upload it to the default public_html directory of your website.
  3. You will then need to insert a piece of code into the "Head" section of your web pages:

The following is an example of code commonly used.

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">

For more information on how to install "Favicon,Ico" files we suggest you do a web search on the term "Favicon" and "How to Install a Favicon".

After a short period of time, if the code was inserted correctly, you will see your favicon on theBrowser tab next to your Web Page "Title".

Best of luck on your new Favicon adventure!

WordPress Theme Editor

1) Build Your Free Favicon...

Pick an image and click the UPLOAD Button, when it says it's done press the DOWNLOAD Button to get your Favicon. Now how easy is that!

Choose image to UPLOAD

PNG, JPEG, JPG, GIF Images should have a maximum size of 2Mb.

FREE Favicon Builder Terms and Conditions...

This Website is run by Websitepromoters LLC, and offers a Free favicon Builder Generation service. These services are provided as is, with no warranty of any kind. Users are responsible for their own actions, and the owners of this Website are not responsible for any actions taken by third parties working on their Website, or the Websites of others. Installing a Favicon has it's own inherent risks. The owners of (Website Promoters LLC) are not responsible for any loss, or damages that may result, as a use of our Website, and or the Free Favicon Generation Service.

If you do not have experience modifying HTML files and META Tags, you should consider working with a Professional, to do the work for you!

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